
MGF Sourcing is an independent US-led global sourcing company founded in 1970.

End-to-End Services
Trend Direction & Market Intelligence

We provide our customers with seasonal market intelligence and trend information as it relates to the global manufacturing landscape and USA retail landscapes as well as direction on colors, prints, fabrics, washes and trims, and silhouettes.

Fabric & Yarn Sourcing

We engage with our mill partners to gather and develop relevant fabrications and yarns that will be made available to our customers for selection.

Print, Pattern & Silhouette Design

Our associates understand our customers' brand aesthetics and present "print, pattern and silhouette ideas" to them within the delivery window in the form of garment samples, boards and more.

Production Management

We completely oversee all critical production processes, including order and capacity management, vendor development, and managing the technical process, including color, wash, fabric and garment samples.

Quality Assurance

MGF has inhouse resources for factory evaluation, vendor calibration and education, in-line and final inspection, as well as SOP development and execution.


We can manage the complete flow of importing and delivering finished goods, from the factory all the way to our customer's warehouse.

Trade Compliance

Our experienced team monitors and enforces standards and regulations for labor, health and safety, supply chain security, environmental and intellectual property/ brand protection.